Google invites advertisers to enjoy some more click fraud

According to Google’s AdWords Team, there is a new BETA for advertisers wanting to test cost-per-click site-targeted campaigns. The new BETA will help advertisers with increased flexibility. If you are site targeting it allows advetisers to choosing the bidding option of most interest. In addition, it will be possible to create new CPC campaigns and…

Some Clarification on “Inceasing your clicks by 25%”

Shoemoney posted this article about how he bolded keywords in his Adwords ads and increased his clicks by 25%. In theory he is exactly right, having bold words in your ads will definitely increase traffic but only to an extent. I also don’t believe his > reason is exactly the reason why he saw an…

Branding Strategies for PPC

I have about 10 tabs open in my FireFox that I’ve been meaning to post about for ages so I am hopefully going to catch up on this in the next week or 2. With that said, Scott Woodard, not recently wrote a good article on MarketingPilgrim going over some PPC branding strategies that everyone…

Say it ain't so! Yahoo introduces Ad Quality into ad rankings

I already despise the Google Quality Score for its lack of transparency as I believe its a way for Google to hike up bid prices. Well, apparently Yahoo thought it was a good idea because starting Feb. 5th paid search ads will be ranked using an “Ad Quality” ranking. According to the email Yahoo sent:…

Should I Keep My PPC Search Advertising If I Already Rank #1 Organically?

This exact question was posted on SERoundtable and Google says the answer is an overwhelming yes. Several Google representatives all referenced a study that Google did last year that showed that sites who experienced high organic rankings and also participated in Adwords experienced 20% more overall traffic than doing one or the other. Google also…

Google Testing Keyword Level Quality Score

Google‘s introduction of the “Quality Score” is a ever concerning issue for paid search managers mainly for the lack of transparency that it offers. While score 1 for Google as they are making an attempt to correct the issue by providing us an actual quality score on the KEYWORD LEVEL. The screenshot below indicates a…

Paid Search Tools

With all the changes coming to the Search Engine systems and their tools, I’m starting a list of Tools that PPC people and other paid search managers find useful, since we can’t rely on the engines anymore. Yesterday I talked about the Yahoo Keyword Selector changes and Paul commented that we can still see bid…