local image optimziation

Google Maps Optimization

Do you want to be on the top-ranking local business in your local area? Google Maps optimization will be your first step to rank faster on local searches and gather more customers.

Which Businesses Will Benefit from Google Maps Optimization?

Google Maps Optimization, also called local SEO, will work wonders for your company in getting your business on the map! Our company provides excellent Google Optimization services to our clients, they range from contractors, small businesses, rentals, etc. All of them benefit from the results. From what we’ve heard from different clients, their businesses thrive on getting phone calls and walk-ins into their physical store or building.

Why You Should Invest in Google Maps Business Listings

  1. Google Maps Optimization will help your Business Rank Higher.

Our Google Maps Optimization Services will provide your customers with relevant and valuable content on your Google My Business listing, making your business rank higher in Google Search and gathering more traffic!

  1. Google Maps Business Listing is Essential for Local Businesses

Local customers are using Google maps frequently nowadays, mainly searching for local businesses. Try typing your business’ industry and your local area, you’ll see a Google My Business listing. 

How Does Google Maps SEO Campaign Work?

To jumpstart your campaign on Google Maps or Google My Business, we need to ensure that your business is listed. We do this by simply typing your business’s name into the search bar and adding your location to see if it will appear on the list. If your business appears, then your site is registered. And if it doesn’t show, have no worries! Our SEO specialist will work alongside your company to guarantee that your business will be on the list.

Creating the Right Pages

Our SEO specialists will not stop at just getting your site on the Google My Business list. After setting up and optimizing your listing, we will work with you and create the necessary pages for your website. Google My Business ranks your site by the relevance and quality of content you have. And that’s where our expertise comes in; we evaluate and optimize your pages to build up your online presence and SEO.

How Can You Optimize Google Maps?

An optimized business listing has better chance of showing up in Google Maps, if you want to guarantee a top spot on local search results, you need to do the following:

  1. Create and Claim Your Business Listing

The first thing to doing a Google maps optimization is to to create or claim a business listing by registering into Google My Business. As you create your listing, you can input all the necessary information for your business such as, the name, category and location of your business.

But if you want to claim the business listing, you need to do extra steps. You will need to add more detailed information regarding your business listings. (Tip: The more detailed information, the higher chance of ranking higher.)

  1. Fill-in All the Necessary Information

With your Google Maps business listing linked to your Google My Business account, you can now optimize the business listing for better ranking in local search results.

Input all the necessary information like, exact address with pin code, your business’ working hours, website, and contact information.

Keep in mind that as you list your specific offerings, always use simple words and use important keywords within the listing if possible. Also pick the most relevant and common categories your business can be listed on Google Maps.

All of the listed information in your GMB listing should be consistent inline with the information available throughout the internet.

  1. Use High-Quality Images For Your Business listing

High-quality images tells Google that your listing is active which leads to a higher chance of ranking. By adding images in your business listing you can utilize Google’s state of the art photo recognition that shows images in local search results.

In addition, users based their decisions on images they can see on the internet especially if they are looking for products or a restaurant or café. Without images in your listing, it could be less appealing for your potential customers leading to lower ranking of your website.

Related: Guide to optimizing photos for local SEO

  1. Aim for Positive Feedbacks and Respond To Them

Google favors websites with positive reviews from customers. Your business’ ranking can be greatly affected by having positive customer reviews.

When your claimed your business listing on Google Maps, you will have the option of receiving business reviews. Opening up this option won’t get your site positive reviews immediately. You will have to actively reach out to your customer and ask them for reviews.

But your job isn’t done when you received the review, you need to respond to each one of them. This interaction will encourage more customers to write reviews while reducing the impact from negative reviews. In addition, you are also building a positive image for your customers that you are accommodating to your customers and you will resolve any issues that may come up.

  1. Actively Post on Your Google Maps Business Listing

You can post regularly on your Google Maps business listing page the way you can post on social media sites like Facebook.

This proactive posting allows Google to recognize that your business listing is managed regularly. Furthermore, potential customers have high intent as they browse through Google. These regular posts guarantees your business’ visibility to your potential customers that can lead to a conversion for your site.

  1. Insert a Google Map on your Website

One strategy you can use to boost your rank on Google Maps is by embedding it onto your website. You can see this most of the time on a website’s contact page.

How to embed a Google Map On Your Website:

  1. Open Google Maps, then search for your business name.
  2. Click “Share” in your business listing.
  3. Select “Embed a map”.
  4. Copy and paste the link on your business contact page.

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