Should I Keep My PPC Search Advertising If I Already Rank #1 Organically?

This exact question was posted on SERoundtable and Google says the answer is an overwhelming yes. Several Google representatives all referenced a study that Google did last year that showed that sites who experienced high organic rankings and also participated in Adwords experienced 20% more overall traffic than doing one or the other. Google also…

Google is Killing Adwords

I was reading this post by Andrew Goodman this morning regarding the history of price increases in Google Adwords and their correlation to quality score and the quality updates. This was brought about by all the recent conversations regarding the new adwords landing page quality update that just happened but it got me thinking about…

Google Finally Pays Up

Reports are going around that people are finally receiving their checks from the click fraud settlement a few months back. There is a webmasterworld thread about it here but for the lazy folks, here is what people are saying ” Got my $6.45 wohhooo! headed to McDonalds for a Big Mac on google. “ ”…