8 Not Always Obvious but Common Paid Search Mistakes

With the ever growing competition it is more important than ever to make sure your accounts are lean mean ROI machines. I’ve seen a lot of accounts that make very common mistakes that you just can’t get away with anymore. Content Network management – I know I’ve beat the dead horse about my dislike for…

Branding Strategies for PPC

I have about 10 tabs open in my FireFox that I’ve been meaning to post about for ages so I am hopefully going to catch up on this in the next week or 2. With that said, Scott Woodard, not recently wrote a good article on MarketingPilgrim going over some PPC branding strategies that everyone…

Should I Keep My PPC Search Advertising If I Already Rank #1 Organically?

This exact question was posted on SERoundtable and Google says the answer is an overwhelming yes. Several Google representatives all referenced a study that Google did last year that showed that sites who experienced high organic rankings and also participated in Adwords experienced 20% more overall traffic than doing one or the other. Google also…