Google Maps Optimization

Google Maps Optimization

Do you want to be on the top-ranking local business in your local area? Google Maps optimization will be your first step to rank faster on local searches and gather more customers. Which Businesses Will Benefit from Google Maps Optimization? Google Maps Optimization, also called local SEO, will work wonders for your company in getting…

Ways to Optimize Photos for Local SEO

Ways to Optimize Photos for Local SEO

Optimizing photos involves producing and editing high-quality images in the suitable format, size , and resolution to further boost customer interaction. Aside from optimizing the physical aspect of the images, it also involves labeling images with metadata in order for search engine crawlers to read them and understand your page’s content. Ways to Optimize Photos…

How to Verify GMB Listing Without a Postcard

Postcard verification is the most popular method for verifying a GMB account. And despite its popularity, it is the slowest compared to other methods, which is why many businesses opt out of other options. Steps on How to Verify GMB Listing Without a Postcard Verification If you haven’t heard anything from Google despite waiting for…