What is Google Adwords Preferred Cost Bidding

It seems like every other day Google is introducing a new feature into their Adwords accounts with the most recent feature being preferred cost bidding. This means that advertisers can choose to let Adwords control their Max CPC in order to keep their CPC constant. It sounds pretty confusing but think of it as a…

Will Click Activity Change with the Adwords Layout Updates?

Barry posted a question regarding how the click activity will change on the paid search ads based on the changes Google made on the SERPs. I guess Barry didn’t see that I already posted the answer. Just kidding, I don’t expect the rustybrick to be one of my 4 readers but I’ll sum up my…

Google Releases Clickbot Clickfraud Study

According to Google Clickbot.A is the name of a botnet that Google’s Click Quality and Security Teams investigated last year. Using our findings, we published “The Anatomy of Clickbot.A” – a detailed case study on botnet-based click fraud for the benefit of the technical research community. Clickbot.A is an example of a botnet operator attempting…

There are Inconsistencies in Google Adwords Minimum Bid Prices

The title says it all and I’m sure I’m not the first to notice it but with all the quality score updates, algorithm and scoring changes within Adwords, it is quite possible that Google has lost control of accuracy. A little background on where this post began: I’ve been searching for new keywords to put…